My little black book

keeping me breathing...keeping me alive

Monday, August 31, 2009

cib** punyer nyamuk !!!


its almost 4.30 in the morning and my eyes are still fresh and keep on widening.since tadi lagi bergelap-gelapan dalam bilik ditemani cahaye laptop wonder la mate aku ni makin rabun these days.too much of works.staying in taiping rather than s.alam makes me feel much better. ntahla.kalau dekat s.alam rase macam tak tenang je...asyik nak merayap je after class....kalau dekat taiping, melepek je kat rumah...duit pun jimat...tapi kalu hari-hari macam ni, boleh jadik bengong jugak.

well there's too many things that are running through my brain right now...macam-macam yang kalau boleh aku nak "immortalize" kan dekat sini but unfortunately aku tak tahu nak cerite yang mane satu dulu sebab banyak sangat then tadi plak macam dah teruje je bace blog-blog manusia dekat cyber space at the end skarang ni aku plak dah macam mengantuk and mak pulak dah bising suruh tolong siapkan makan sahur for the brothers and sisters...ceishhh..diorang baik punyer tido...aku ni plak timing tido dah lari macam burung hantu...mati aku ngantok dalam class tuesday better for me to off now....

conclusionnyer..aku xder story nak diceritekan !

1 comment:

13may said...

selamat hari raya :)